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Scottish Government Proposes Balance on E-Cigs

15th June 2015

Scottish Government Proposes Balance on E-Cigs.

A new Bill being proposed in Scotland.It has been well received by anti-tobacco groups including ASH Scotland.

The Bill seeks to restrict usage by under 18's. Also,  it aims to avoid restricting the devices to existing adult smokers.

ASH Scotland have a progressive stand on the devices; “The urgent priority is to reduce the enormous harm caused by tobacco use. We believe that e-cigarettes will prove to be much less harmful than smoking – so for a smoker to switch from tobacco to electronic cigarettes will bring significant health benefits and we welcome the Scottish Government’s attempts not to over-regulate and stifle the e-cigarette market.

“Yet e-cigarettes are not harmless. The best health outcomes will still come from being free of any addictive substance and the measures announced today to protect young people from the commercial interests who would sell them such devices are justified and proportionate.” said ASH Scotlands Chief Executive.