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Ecigarettes – not a gateway in, and they might be the gateway out

1st May 2015

Quit Smoking Cigarette Break

This excellent magazine has a number of intelligent articles on e-cigarettes, an absolute breath of fresh air!

Ecigarettes - not a gateway in, and they might be the gateway out

"If anything, these data suggest that e-cigarettes are replacing the real thing. As one tobacco researcher told The New York Times, "They're not a gateway in, and they might be accelerating the gateway out." That cannot be anything but good news from a public health perspective, given the huge difference in risk between vaping and smoking."

"Michael Siegel notes similar findings in other surveys of British teenagers. "Among nonsmoking youth," he writes, "all use of e-cigarettes was mere experimentation. There was zero (0) regular use of e-cigarettes (defined as using e-cigarettes more than once per week)….The only regular use of e-cigarettes was observed among current and former smokers.""